Creating A Stop Track in Ableton

In our previous post, we shared our first method for running tracks using Ableton’s arrangement view. In this post, we’re going to introduce some automation into the mix. One potential pitfall when using arrangement view is that unless someone stops playback, the next song will start. One could simply tap the spacebar but that can be problematic so we want to automate that process with a stop function. 

In the preliminary section of this post, we showed how to install the IAC Driver. This is necessary in order to proceed with automation creation. Please have a look at that post and check back when you’re done.

Update Ableton’s Preferences

In the menu bar, go to Live >> Settings to get to Ableton’s preferences or press Command-Comma (,). Go to the ‘Link Tempo MIDI tab’ and under MIDI ports, make sure ‘Track’ is checked for both the IAC’s ins and outs, and make sure ‘Remote’ is checked for IAC’s MIDI ins.

Create A Stop MIDI Channel

Create a MIDI channel (Command-Shift-T) and name it something like ‘stop’ or ‘stop track’. The next thing in this step is to update your MIDI channel’s ins and outs. Change both of them to your IAC Driver.

Create A MIDI Clip

On the MIDI track you’ve created, make a selection and either go to the menu bar, go to Create >> Insert Empty MIDI Clip or press ‘Command-Shift-M’. After making the MIDI clip, double click on it and draw a MIDI note using the pencil tool (switch to this tool by pressing B). Please make note of what MIDI note it is, so you don’t accidentally assign it to something else.

Create the Automation

The final step is to assign the MIDI note in the MIDI clip on the MIDI channel to the stop function. At the top right there’s a button that says ‘MIDI’, click on that (or Command-M) and, if you’d like, you can press the arrow underneath the ‘Link’ option at the top left to reveal all your MIDI mappings. You can then set Ableton to play a bar or 2 before the clip and before the playhead gets to the MIDI clip, click on the stop button at the top. If you’ve done it correctly, you’ll see a new MIDI automation appear in the MIDI mapping section.

We hope that was straightforward for you and, again, if you have any issues please email us at for reading!

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